
Meeting Austen’s Baby Doll, Sarah

My parents have always been doting grandparents. Since my oldest daughter was born 12 years ago, it has felt like Target’s toy department exploded in my home. Almost anything my kids have wanted, they have gotten — within reason, of course. Addi was 2 when…

How Milo Became Girl’s Best Friend

Austen was 8 months old when we adopted Milo. Her seizures had already started, but her diagnosis was still a good four months into the future. We were on a journey that seemed to be hazed in fog at that point, and Milo…

Our Greatest Home Schooling Success

Like many families around the world, my family is home schooling this year. My degree might be in elementary education, but even so, I’m a bit intimidated by the idea of teaching three different grades simultaneously. Add in that one child is special needs, and there was some…

The Inner Struggle of a Special Needs Mom

Being a special needs parent is the hardest job I’ve ever had. I constantly feel like I am not doing enough to help my child. I not only feel guilty every time something goes wrong, I also feel guilty when things go right. A few months ago, while…

Special Needs Siblings Are the Unsung Heroes

The world of special needs parenting isn’t necessarily a club any of us signed up for. It’s one we were thrust into and had to accept to simply survive. When you think about it though, an initiation into the special needs siblings club might be even…